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Holding Hands

Quality Care

Community Based Supports

If you're looking for quality support and assistance for a person with a developmental disability, then Premiere Behavioral Supports is the provider for you. Our professional team is here to guide our clients and their families every step of the way. Call to schedule an appointment to experience firsthand how our Community-Based Supports can help you today.

Services that provide direct support and assistance for participants, with or without the caregiver present, in or out of the participant's residence, to achieve or maintain the outcomes of increased independence, productivity, enhanced family functioning, and inclusion in the community, as outlined in their Service Plan. Community-Based Supports are delivered one-on-one with a participant and may include but are not limited to assistance with community-based activities and assistance to, as well as training and supervision of, individuals as they learn and perform the various tasks that are included in essential self-care, social skills, and activities of daily living.


Examples of Community Based Supports Activities

*Please note that examples are not all-inclusive of everything that can be funded through this service


Support from staff to enable an individual to attend an event, take a class, etc.

  • Support from staff to assist an individual participating in activities such as assistance in completing activities of daily living, ordering off a menu, purchasing items, learning basic cooking, laundry skills, etiquette, travel training, accessing activities in the community, etc.

  • One-on-one tutoring

  • Support on a job site to assist in essential self-care, social skills, and activities of daily living.  

*Please note that Community Based Supports can be used in addition to but cannot replace Supported Employment services (such as job coaching). Supported Employment services must be provided per the standards described in Section 17.20 by professionals who have completed the Employment Specialist/Job Coach training series. For example, Community Based Support can be provided to assist an individual on a job site with safety awareness, remaining focused on work tasks, self-care needs, eating lunch, etc., but cannot assist the individual or their supervisor in learning work tasks, setting up accommodations to complete work tasks or the training associated with learning new aspects of their job duties. Those activities must be conducted by an appropriately qualified and approved Supported Employment provider.  


Need for Service and Process

The need for Community Based Supports will typically be identified through the NJ Comprehensive Assessment Tool (NJ CAT) and the person-centered planning process documented in the Person-Centered Planning Tool (PCPT). Once this need is identified, an outcome related to the result(s) expected through the participation in Community Based Supports will be included in the Individual Service Plan (ISP), and Premiere Behavioral will develop strategies to assist the individual in reaching the desired outcome(s). Individuals and families are encouraged to include the Community Based Services provider in the planning process to assist in identifying and developing functional outcomes. 

Premiere Behavioral Supports can require/request referral information that will assist the provider in offering quality services. Once the Support Coordinator has informed the provider that the individual has selected them to provide Community Based Supports, the provider has five (5) working days to contact the individual or Support Coordinator to express interest in delivering services.   

The agency identified to provide this service and details regarding the extent of the service hours, duration, frequency, etc., will be noted in the ISP providing prior authorization for the identified service provider to perform this service. A copy of the approved ISP and Service Detail Report will be provided to the identified service provider.


Requirements for Division Eligibility

  • An individual must be determined eligible for services before the Division can provide services.

  •  An individual must meet the functional criteria of having a developmental disability.

  • To receive Division services, individuals are responsible for applying, become eligible for, and maintain Medicaid eligibility.

  • An individual must establish that New Jersey is their primary residence at the time of application. 

The application process begins by contacting the Division Community Services Office representing the region where the individual resides or downloading the application from the Division website Upon request, the intake worker can assist in completing the application.

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